Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Look, I can ride my bike with no handlebars

I can do anything
but I cannot do nothing
cutting my cat into one
Lemon Yellow SimSun
It ain't Zen
But its all I have

I call your name into thin air
Hit me with a surprise right
jaw don't close right no mo
No mo blacklist book
No mo hot key
No mo red behind slate blue eyes

My ReCallApp is a ReStoreApp
Every time hit
Override love
Feeling emotions spill over 100 trillion suns

Boom! Ah I am the
Snow White Sun of the Suburbs
one of the steel Angels armed to the teeth
eating meat like zombies

Meeting at the Castro
ready for the Halloween sun to go down
rattling chains to the City of Brotherly Love
shooting photos of the simultaneous

Hero of my own faith no mo
don't turn away
look closer urban superman
you can, care, you know what I mean

Photo: Adam is on Flickr
Location: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paperpariah/2450092552/
Creative Commons License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/deed.en

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is the Core Meaning of the Mantra of Compassion?

Life itself is the jewel in the heart of the lotus.

-Opinion by Sherab Wongmo

Image courtesy: tim buckley | www.bodhiimages.com

Creative Commons License: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bodhi-images/1441500533/

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Things to remember when you are under stress at work or in life

Statue of Lord Buddha in the Bhumisparsha - Earth Touching Mudra, Tsog Kor evening, Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism, Seattle, Washington, USA
The Buddha told his son Rahula:

Practice loving kindness to overcome anger. Loving kindness has the capacity to bring happiness to others without demanding anything in return.

Practice compassion to overcome cruelty. Compassion has the capacity to remove the suffering of others without expecting anything in return.

Practice sympathetic joy to overcome hatred. Sympathetic joy arises when one rejoices over the happiness (and virtues) of others and wishes others well-being and success.

Practice equanimity to overcome prejudice. Equanimity is the way of looking at all things openly and equally, using reason. This is, because that is. Myself and others are not separate. Do not reject one thing only to chase after another.

I call these the four immeasurables. Practice them and you will become a refreshing source of vitality and happiness for others.

-Reminder from SteveD

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dharma Story from a Friend in Canada

Geshe Tashi Namgyal and His Holiness Trinley Rinpoche

"Trinley Rinpoche came to visit Geshela about a month before his death (which was a bit peculiar because Geshela usually visited him in Seattle.

After our puja we had tea and I asked Rinpoche one of my favourite questions:
"If samsara and nirvana and inseperable, why do we need protectors?"

Trinley Rinpoche replied "Because this IS samsara"
Trinley Rinpoche and Geshela just about fell over, they were laughing so hard.

It doesn't look quite so funny written down, but it was a quitessentially hilarious moment, which causes me to crack up to this day."


Your body is in front of a CPU
Your eyes monitor reality
You think and process and send out
Waiting for the pings to strive
You live in a mass of databases
A holodeck of your own device
You prayed for this, remember

There was the book about fitting memory chips to the brain
To create human computers
That could link to the world's net domain
And we thought the android name
Was not too fit
Enough of it

We are the processors of living DNA
Wrapped around in a sylix
To the core of the material frame
The source of time and knowledge
The well of wisdom's flame
There in the many visions
We transform what none can name

I saw you a long time ago.
And I wrote the code in the sky
To make your dream a reality
Don't ask me why
The questions of King Malinda
And the Nagarjuna Python Agora train
Bound in the halo of starlight
Off on the midnight train
The wheel will spin
And spin again
There by the gate gate pare gate parasamgate
Of the gates of the places we live

by Christopher Wilkinson