the story
the carp had a long standing agreement with a turtle
the turtle who holds the world on his back
said, one day after a successful game of chance
craps, maybe, or poker after dinner
with a cigar i digress,
he said
oh Sariputra, the world honored one, says
enlightenment comes many ways
in a flash
like the schriven phoenix
realized simply
stumbled over in the dark even
like an award
if you, my friend fish, he said to the carp
should jump over the gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi soha
you will become a dragon.
after many attempts much focus and pure prayer from the heart
the little fish jumped over the gate gate in the heart sutra
what happened then said all the little boys and girls
and creatures listening
the carp was a carp no more
the carp was a dragon
and you know what else said the turtle
tayata om ...
and that is the end of this story.
-Sherab Wongmo
Photo Rob Ireton, Creative Commons license, http://www.flickr.com/photos/aoisakana/291995799/
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