Hand and Arm of the Buddha, Mudra Calling the Earth to Witness, Tharlam Monastery, Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal, a photo by Wonderlane on Flickr.
Praise for Birwapa
I reverently bow my head to the feet of my holy guru.
Glorious Birwapa,
I reverently throw this blossom of words
Taken from the waters of faith
At your lotus feet.
By what virtue is here
Please bestow your Siddhis on sentient beings.
You learned everything that can be known.
Then you became a master
Who authored studies in every field.
I bow to you.
You decorate the entire world.
You are called “The Great Charioteer.”
Your true name is “Srimat Dharmapala.”
Fearless One, I bow to you.
After you became a master of all that can be known
You lit a street lamp of awareness.
Even when you had a thousand points of contention with others
You did not get upset.
I bow to you.
By daylight you organized the Sangha.
You employed them at teaching, debate, and composition.
By night you immersed yourself in gaining liberation.
Unrivaled One, I bow to you.
Your good works are inconceivable.
Who could count them?
It would take a hundred eons to go over a mere part of them.
There is no being finished with you.
I bow to you.
The Lord of the World would be oppressed
If he had to do just a part of what you have done.
Instead, he styles the delivery his instructions to praise you.
I bow to you.
Those arrogant teachers of heresies, the Vaishnavas,
Fainted when they heard you speak.
You got them to accept the Three Jewels.
I bow to you.
Your early name was “Dharmapala.”
At your blessing ceremony you received the name “Birwapa.”
When we hear about you all the darkness goes away.
I bow to you.
We practice in your footsteps,
Dwell on your physical appearance,
And remember the meaning of your name,
So a hundred ten millions of demons
Will never get the chance to see or find us.
That’s why there is no shelter better than you.
I know it for sure.
I researched the teachings and transmissions of others
Even though I was given advice that said
“Don’t go there,”
Wondering if there was anyone that resembles you.
When I did,
I was scorched in a fire of pain.
Only the mighty Jewels could pacify this pain.
If there is anyone holier than you
Tell me about it.
You are not different from the Three Jewels.
There are no Jewels other than you.
There are no gurus other than you.
There is no refuge other than you.
Your special love for living beings
Liberates us from the bad things we’ve done.
You bestow holy blessings
On those who hear your name.
I think of you all the time,
Whether I am walking, standing, lying down, or sitting.
You will not let go of me
Until I am your equal.
My guru has blessed me.
Why wouldn’t you bless me the same way?
There is obvious evidence that you do.
I won’t change my mind about it.
You are compassionate.
Please give your blessings without fail
To those who praise you every day
With this prayer.
The Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen Pal Zangpo sang out this Prayer to the Mighty Yogi Birwapa while in the library of Pal Sakya.
Translated from the Tibetan by Chris Wilkinson
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