Vol: Kha P. 595 Line 3
In the Language of India:
Vajrasatva Mahaa Aakasha Pushti Nama Yogenii Tantra
In the Tibetan Language:
rDo rJe Sems dPa' Nam mKha' Che rGyas Pa Shes Bya rNal 'Byor Ma'i rGyud
I fold my hands to the One Who Transcends Dominion and Possession, the Glorious Bearer of The Stone of Transformation!
On one occasion I spoke out these words:
He who transcends dominion and possession, the very personage of all those who leave behind dominion and possession, conducting themselves accordingly, whose personal character is physical, vocal, and psychological, and who is Supreme Bliss (bDe ba'i mChog) was, naturally, engaging the Lotus of Great Bliss, his honored wife. He erected a crystal palace from the powerful waves of tremendous happiness, a happiness that comes from working towards happiness, for his honored wife. Its architecture and dimensions were beyond measure.
The entire audience entered [the crystal palace], including:
Vajra Maker of All Vision
Vajra Stability
Vajra Glory of Supreme Rarity [596]
Vajra Unlimited Life, and
Vajra Accomplishment Free From Demonic Consumption
Their Honored Wives:
Wide Eyes (Yangs pa'i sPyan)
Feminine Stability
She Who Splendors in Jewels
She Whose Life is Unending
She who's Accomplishments Are Free from Demonic Consumption
Furthermore, there were the Enlightened Ones of Strong Mind:
Heart of the Land
He with the Power of Transformation in His Hands
Heart of the Sky
Dominator of the World
Polite Voice
Cleanser of Darkness
Goodness in All Things
And Their Honored Wives:
Flower Garland
Perfume Lady
Sweet Water
The Honored Tylers were:
Killer of the Lord of the Dead
Victory in All Things
He Who Takes the Lotus to the End
He Who Puts the Soup of Life on the Stove (Thab or Thabs?)
Their Honored Wives:
She Who Kills the Lord of the Dead
She Who Wins at Everything
She Who Takes the Lotus to the End
She Who Puts the Soup of Life on the Stove
An audience of those already mentioned, and many others, all came together there, without any separation. What is more, they came together just like sesame seeds, filling the whole place.
Their light made the dominions of the world visible. It filled [the world]. It pervaded [the world]. Suddenly it was there, looking like a glowing shimmer. [597]
Then, from the waves of the power of that great happiness, which comes out of working for happiness, there emerged Grand Masters numbering three thousand great thousands. All the dominions of the world were shaken by their might (mThu). Very Shaken. Totally shaken. They were wiped out. Very much wiped out. Totally wiped out. Totally and completely wiped out. They were blasted. Very Blasted. Totally Blasted. They crackled. Crackled loudly. Crackled all up.
Then the periphery was equalized with the center. All living beings were brought into submission. They also used the power of prayer to bring all the many kinds of physical realities, the many kinds of speech, and the many kinds of psychological realities into submission.
Through physical submission one manifests oneself in the work and deeds of a human being. One is born, studies, does things that are difficult to do, turns the wheel of truth, and so on. There are also methods of submission by which one does the work and deeds of a lion or the work and deeds of an elephant.
Submission through speech is an act of submission in which divine beings use divine language and dragons use dragon language.
Psychological submission is the act of submitting in the shining light of absorption as well as through magical ritual. [598]
This is the First Chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky: The True Character of All Those Who Travel through Reality. It is called "The Topic under Discussion."
Then He Who Leaves behind Dominion and Possession smoothly moved into the absorption of Great Happiness which comes out of working towards happiness. It is called "Generous Royalty." He smiled with his face to those in the audience.
Then all those who had left behind dominion and possession, travelers through reality addressed, in a single voice, the Master of those who leave behind dominion and possessions, travelers through reality, with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
O Supreme Master of physical, vocal, and psychological realities!
Allow us, through your compassion,
To utilize a physical writing implement
To retain the methodology of your wisdom!
Then the Master of those who have left behind dominion and possession, those who travel through reality, took on the body of Goodness in All Things. All the Travelers through Reality saw him as having three faces and six arms.
Then those Travelers Through Reality, including Maker of All Visions, made a very pure sacrifice, an offering of what is external, what is internal, and what is secret, to Goodness In All Things, The Master of All Those Who Have Left Behind Dominion and Possession, who travel throughout reality. [599]
They held their hands together and said these words:
"We request that the Master of all those who have left behind dominion and possessions, those who travel through reality, perform for us the transmission of empowerment into the Secret Mandala, and after that turn the wheel of the truth for that which has no symbol!"
They said this.
The Master of all those who travel reality, who leave behind dominion and possessions, listened to this, and said: "So be it!"
He gave instruction with these words:
Aye Ma O!
All of you want to request this Tantra,
For it is difficult to understand!
Good! Good! O Great Enlightened Ones!
Good! Good! Listen with respect!
Then all those who travel through reality repeatedly folded their hands, their eyes full with the greatest joy. They addressed him with these words:
Aye Ma O!
O Buddha, What a Buddha!
Aye Ma O!
The Buddha's announcement is Good!
Aye Ma O!
We request that you,
The one who has left behind dominion and possessions,
Explain to us the Supreme Magnificent Enlightenment!
Aye Ma O!
We request you,
Most Direct One (gZu bo che),
To explain that supreme secret word that,
When properly applied,
Consolidates a strategy
For bringing about the Great Enlightenment of All Living Beings!
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions [600] gave instructions to all those who travel through reality with these words:
You, The Unsurpassed,
Wish to quickly acquire
The perfect Ati Yoga,
The strategy for bringing about
The enlightenment of living beings.
So listen!
I will give you an explanation.
Then the Master of all those who travel through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, smoothly moved into the absorption that is called "The Bedazzling Stone of Transformation." He positioned the audience in a Secret Mandala. Then he performed the transmission of the empowerment. After that he explained the truth of it, from the very beginning:
Reality itself is the true identity of everything.
Everything has been worked out to make this real.
The strategy is to engender wisdom.
This cannot be seen through perspectives based on differentials.
The true identity of all things
Cannot be seen by anyone whosoever!
Even the Buddha cannot see it!
The wisdom of enlightenment has no visible abode!
This is the real reason it has no true identity!
Nothing brings a harvest of Nothing!
A duality of Something and Nothing does not exist!
This is called "The Inconceivable Center."
The only thing real about a true identity
Is that there is nothing whatsoever to say about it!
Anything that can be an object of sensory perception
Cannot be proven to exist!
The true identity of all things [601]
Has no beginning and no end.
It neither lasts nor does it stop.
It is not plural nor is it single.
It does not come nor does it go.
Speculation is pacified through recognition.
Respected intentions have no substance!
This cannot be perceived by the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind (yid)!
The attitude that one is perceptive is a deception!
True purity cannot be understood!
There are no superior attitudes with regard to Samsara and Nirvana.
When one dwells in the way things really are
Stability and instability are both fine.
When what is taken in and what is saved are clear,
There are no specifics or generalities,
No endings and no beginnings.
The unspeakable is completely inconceivable!
Words that are not written down are the best.
(Yi ge Med pa – This is the Title of key tractate in the Great Sky cycle)
If you give up on words
The delusions of the mind will stop!
This is the second chapter of the Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, the true nature of all those who travel through reality. It is called "Dwelling in Reality,"
Then the Master of travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, considered the previous request that had been presented by the audience. He intentionally spoke out the following intentional statement:
The truth about dwelling in reality
Is that there is no peace
Through acquisition or rejection.
It is difficult to determine,
And difficult to teach. [601]
It stands apart from linguistic conventions.
The physical aspect of the Stone of Transformation
Is not a compound.
The physical aspect of the immutable (gyung drung sku)
Has no birth or death.
It is not compounded in tripartite temporality.
That which is called "This,"
Magnificent and permanent,
The light of all things,
Cannot be taught symbolically.
I myself am incapable of seeing it.
It is not something that can be directly perceived.
It pervades all things.
It is actually a treasure that does not decay.
The true identity of all things
Is none other than their true potential (stong pa nyid).
There is no differential or difference whatsoever
Between Samsara and Nirvana.
There is not even a single thing to distinguish these two.
Things like conglomerates (phung pa), domains (khams),
and generative forces (skye mched)
Along with their interdependent origination,
Are nothing but potentialities.
Those who are born into the true reality,
Which is their own potential,
Cannot see it.
The true reality
Is therefore known as "Travelling Through Reality."
It is as if all things move through bliss.
You will not find it by looking anywhere else.
No one who looks for true purity
Will be able to see the purity.
Some of those who are blind
Have a great insight into this.
Those who cannot see Nirvana
Or the position of the Buddha
Instantly achieve genuine enlightenment
Through Lotus Wisdom (Padma'i Ye shes).
The true Master has a single identity
But appears in many different ways.
The Master of distorted designations
Deceives living beings,
As if he were sticking them into a trap.
The transcendence of dominion and possessions
Is a magnificent occurrence.
The minds of those who do not make conceptual designations
Remain clear,
For they leave behind dominion and possessions.
Just as every living being dwells in reality,
Every Buddha is his own true origin.
Living beings bring themselves into life.
This [life] does not come from anything else.
It is on account of their ignorant designations
That all sentient beings,
Beings that [already] have Buddha Hearts (sangs rgyas snying po),
Come to experience all kinds of sorrow,
Both subtle and gross.
The Bhaga,
Which is the domain of what is true
Is the real condition of all sentient beings.
This is the sky.
It pervades everything.
Those who do not see this
Do not see it.
It is a serious error for them to put shadows over it.
It is vast, tremendous, profound in depth.
It is understood by the wise (she rab can).
That which comes from nowhere, goes nowhere.
It has nothing to do with coming and going.
The heart of pure intent
Will not be found,
No matter where one looks,
No matter how many approaches one takes.
Purity is unshadowed self awareness (rang rig).
There is no origin
To all those material things.
They are not pure;
They are complete fabrications.
There is no difference whatsoever
Between the real domain of truth
And the heart that turns away from it.
Reality is without attachment.
It is not born and does not die.
It cannot be imagined nor conceived of.
It is bliss.
This is the Third Chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, the true nature of all travelers through reality. It is called "Teachings on the Unchanging Truth."
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, longed, most delightfully, to manifest his own greatness. The Master of both the corporeal and of wisdom proclaimed the following:
Even the Buddha does not see
The reality that pervades all things.
It is not available to direct awareness,
While it pervades all things.
This comprehensive Light
Is not a compound.
It is actually permanent.
It is the corpus of the Stone of Transformation.
This, from amongst all pure embodiments,
Is the supreme body.
The explanation of the truth
Is called "The Corpus of Truth."
A magnificent self generated wisdom
Makes this clearly understood.
The One with the Lotus (Pad ma can) has put together
A series of tactics
Involving an inclusive basis (kun gzhi) as essential elements.
The corpus of actual enlightenment is not conceptual.
How, then, is this perfect corpus put together?
The actualization of perfect enlightenment
Is instantaneously realized
Through the Wisdom of its own potential.
Peace on Earth
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Vajrasatva Mahaa Aakasha Pushti Nama Yogenii Tantra, rDo rJe Sems dPa' Nam mKha' Che rGyas Pa Shes Bya rNal 'Byor Ma'i rGyud
Vol: Kha P. 595 Line 3
In the Language of India:
Vajrasatva Mahaa Aakasha Pushti Nama Yogenii Tantra
In the Tibetan Language:
rDo rJe Sems dPa' Nam mKha' Che rGyas Pa Shes Bya rNal 'Byor Ma'i rGyud
I fold my hands to the One Who Transcends Dominion and Possession, the Glorious Bearer of The Stone of Transformation!
On one occasion I spoke out these words:
He who transcends dominion and possession, the true Master of all those who leave behind dominion and possession and conduct themselves accordingly, whose personal character is physical, vocal, and psychological, and who is Supreme Bliss (bDe ba'i mChog) was, naturally, engaging the Lotus of Great Bliss, his honored wife. He erected a crystal palace from the powerful waves of tremendous happiness, a happiness that comes from working towards happiness, for his honored wife. Its architecture and dimensions were beyond measure.
The entire audience entered [the crystal palace], including:
Vajra Maker of All Vision
Vajra Stability
Vajra Glory of Supreme Rarity [596]
Vajra Endless Life, and
Vajra Accomplishment Free From Demonic Consumption
Their Honored Wives:
Wide Eyes (Yangs pa'i sPyan)
Feminine Stability
She Who Splendors in Jewels
She Whose Life is Unending
She who's Accomplishments Are Free from Demonic Consumption
Furthermore, there were the Enlightened Ones of Strong Mind:
Heart of the Land
He with the Power of Transformation in His Hands
Heart of the Sky
Dominator of the World
Polite Voice
Cleanser of Darkness
Goodness in All Things
And Their Honored Wives:
Flower Garland
Perfume Lady
Sweet Water
The Honored Tylers were:
Killer of the Lord of the Dead
Victory in All Things
He Who Takes the Lotus to the End
He Who Puts the Soup of Life on the Stove (Thab or Thabs?)
Their Honored Wives:
She Who Kills the Lord of the Dead
She Who Wins at Everything
She Who Takes the Lotus to the End
She Who Puts the Soup of Life on the Stove
An audience of those already mentioned, and many others, all came together there, with no disparity between any of them. What is more, they came together just like sesame seeds, filling the whole place.
Their light made the dominions of the world visible. It filled [the world]. It pervaded [the world]. Suddenly it was there, looking like a glowing shimmer. [597]
Then, from the waves of the power of that great happiness, which comes out of working for happiness, there emerged Grand Masters numbering three thousand great thousands. All the dominions of the world were shaken by their might (mThu). Very Shaken. Totally shaken. They were wiped out. Very much wiped out. Totally wiped out. Totally and completely wiped out. They were blasted. Very blasted. Totally blasted. They crackled. Crackled loudly. Crackled all up.
Then the periphery was equalized with the center. All living beings were brought into submission. They also used the power of prayer to bring all the many kinds of physical realities, the many kinds of speech, and the many kinds of psychological realities into submission.
Through physical submission one manifests oneself in the work and deeds of a human being. One is born, studies, does things that are difficult to do, turns the wheel of truth, and so on. There are also methods of submission by which one does the work and deeds of a lion or the work and deeds of an elephant.
Submission through speech is an act of submission in which divine beings use divine language and dragons use dragon language.
Psychological submission is the act of submitting in the shining light of absorption as well as through magical ritual. [598]
This is the First Chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky: The True Character of All Those Who Travel through Reality. It is called "The Topic under Discussion."
Then He Who Leaves behind Dominion and Possession smoothly moved into the absorption of Great Happiness which comes out of working towards happiness. It is called "Generous Royalty." He smiled with his face to those in the audience.
Then all those who had left behind dominion and possession, travelers through reality, addressed, in a single voice, the Master of those who leave behind dominion and possessions, travelers through reality, with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
O Supreme Master of physical, vocal, and psychological realities!
Allow us, through your compassion,
To utilize a physical writing implement
To retain the methodology of your wisdom!
Then the Master of those who have left behind dominion and possession, those who travel through reality, took on the body of Goodness in All Things. All the Travelers through Reality saw him as having three faces and six arms.
Then those Travelers Through Reality, including Maker of All Visions, made a very pure sacrifice, an offering of what is external, what is internal, and what is secret, to Goodness In All Things, The Master of all those who have left behind dominion and possession, who travel throughout reality. [599]
They held their hands together and said these words:
"We request that the Master of all those who have left behind dominion and possessions, those who travel through reality, perform for us the transmission of empowerment into the Secret Mandala, and after that turn the wheel of the truth for that which has no symbol!"
They said this.
The Master of all those who travel reality, who leave behind dominion and possessions, listened to this, and said: "So be it!"
He gave instruction with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
All of you want to request this Tantra,
For it is difficult to understand!
Good! Good! O Great Enlightened Ones!
Good! Good! Listen with respect!
Then all those who travel through reality repeatedly folded their hands, their eyes full with the greatest joy. They addressed him with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
O Buddha, What a Buddha!
Aye Ma Oh!
The Buddha's announcement is Good!
Aye Ma Oh!
We request that you,
The one who has left behind dominion and possessions,
Explain to us the Supreme Magnificent Enlightenment!
Aye Ma Oh!
We request you,
Most Direct One (gZu bo che),
To explain that supreme secret word that,
When properly applied,
Consolidates a strategy
For bringing about the Great Enlightenment of All Living Beings!
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, [600] gave instructions to all those who travel through reality with these words:
You, The Unsurpassed,
Wish to quickly acquire
The perfect Ati Yoga,
The strategy for bringing about
The enlightenment of living beings.
So listen!
I will give you an explanation.
Then the Master of all those who travel through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, smoothly moved into the absorption that is called "The Bedazzling Stone of Transformation." He positioned the audience in a Secret Mandala. Then he performed the transmission of the empowerment. After that he explained the truth of it, from the very beginning:
Reality itself is the true identity of everything.
Everything has been worked out to make this real.
The strategy is to engender wisdom.
This cannot be seen through perspectives based on differentials.
The true identity of all things
Cannot be seen by anyone whosoever!
Even the Buddha cannot see it!
The wisdom of enlightenment has no visible abode!
This is the real reason it has no true identity!
Nothing brings a harvest of Nothing!
A duality of Something and Nothing does not exist!
This is called "The Inconceivable Center."
The only thing real about a true identity
Is that there is nothing whatsoever to say about it!
Anything that can be an object of sensory perception
Cannot be proven to exist!
The true identity of all things [601]
Has no beginning and no end.
It neither lasts nor does it stop.
It is not plural nor is it single.
It does not come nor does it go.
Speculation is pacified through recognition.
Respected intentions have no substance!
This cannot be perceived by the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind (yid)!
The attitude that one is perceptive is a deception!
True purity cannot be understood!
There are no superior attitudes with regard to Samsara and Nirvana.
When one dwells in the way things really are
Stability and instability are both fine.
When what is taken in and what is saved are clear,
There are no specifics or generalities,
No endings and no beginnings.
The unspeakable is completely inconceivable!
Words that are not written down are the best.
(Yi ge Med pa – This is the Title of key tractate in the Great Sky cycle)
If you give up on words
The delusions of the mind will stop!
This is the second chapter of the Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, the true nature of all those who travel through reality. It is called "Dwelling in Reality,"
Then the Master of travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, considered the previous request that had been presented by the audience. He intentionally spoke out the following intentional statement:
The truth about dwelling in reality
Is that there is no peace
Through acquisition or rejection.
It is difficult to determine,
And difficult to teach. [601]
It stands apart from linguistic conventions.
The physical aspect of the Stone of Transformation
Is not a compound.
The physical aspect of the immutable (gyung drung sku)
Has no birth or death.
It is not compounded in tripartite temporality.
That which is called "This,"
Magnificent and permanent,
The light of all things,
Cannot be taught symbolically.
I myself am incapable of seeing it.
It is not something that can be directly perceived.
It pervades all things.
It is actually a treasure that does not decay.
The true identity of all things
Is none other than their true potential (stong pa nyid).
There is no differential or difference whatsoever
Between Samsara and Nirvana.
There is not even a single thing to distinguish these two.
Things like conglomerates (phung po), domains (khams),
and generative forces (skye mched)
Along with their interdependent origination,
Are nothing but potentialities.
Those who are born into the true reality,
Which is their own potential,
Cannot see it.
The true reality
Is therefore known as "Travelling Through Reality."
It is as if all things move through bliss.
You will not find it by looking anywhere else.
No one who looks for true purity
Will be able to see the purity.
Some of those who are blind
Have a great insight into this.
Those who cannot see Nirvana
Or the position of the Buddha
Instantly achieve genuine enlightenment
Through Lotus Wisdom (Padma'i Ye shes).
The true Master has a single identity
But appears in many different ways.
The Master of distorted designations
Deceives living beings,
As if he was sticking them into a trap.
The transcendence of dominion and possessions
Is a magnificent occurrence.
The minds of those who do not make conceptual designations
Remain clear,
For they leave behind dominion and possessions.
Just as every living being dwells in reality,
Every Buddha is his own true origin.
Living beings bring themselves into life.
This [life] does not come from anything else.
It is on account of their ignorant designations
That all sentient beings,
Beings that [already] have Buddha Hearts (sangs rgyas snying po),
Come to experience all kinds of sorrow,
Both subtle and gross.
The Bhaga,
Which is the domain of what is true
Is the real condition of all sentient beings.
This is the sky.
It pervades everything.
Those who do not see this
Do not see it.
It is a serious error for them to put shadows over it.
It is vast, tremendous, and profound in depth.
It is understood by the wise (she rab can).
That which comes from nowhere, goes nowhere.
It has nothing to do with coming and going.
The heart of pure intent
Will not be found,
No matter where one looks,
No matter how many approaches one takes.
Purity is unshadowed self awareness (rang rig).
There is no origin
To all those material things.
They are not pure;
They are complete fabrications.
There is no difference whatsoever
Between the real domain of truth
And the heart that turns away from it.
Reality is without attachment.
It is not born and does not die.
It cannot be imagined nor conceived of.
It is bliss.
This is the Third Chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, a realistic paradigm for all travelers through reality. It is called "Teachings on the Unchanging Truth."
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, longed, most delightfully, to manifest his own greatness. The Master of both the corporeal and of wisdom proclaimed the following:
Even the Buddha does not see
The reality that pervades all things.
It is not available to direct awareness,
While it pervades all things.
This comprehensive Light
Is not a compound.
It is actually permanent.
It is the corpus of the Stone of Transformation.
This, from amongst all pure embodiments,
Is the supreme body.
The explanation of the truth
Is called "The Corpus of Truth."
This is clearly understood by means of
A grand self-generated wisdom.
The One with the Lotus (Pad ma can) has put together
A series of tactics
Involving an inclusive basis (kun gzhi) as essential elements.
The corpus of actual enlightenment is not conceptual.
How, then, is this perfect corpus put together?
The actualization of perfect enlightenment
Is instantaneously realized
Through the Wisdom of its own potential.
This is the Corpus of Truth.
There is no other.
The Magnificent Mandala of what is real [605]
Becomes evident by virtue of its waves of power.
Attitudes based on conventional intentions
Give birth to tactics that do not prevent apparitions.
The field that is a Mandala for the Stone of Transformation
Has it dawn with the true instructions on Mantra and Mudra.
The Corpus of Enjoyment,
Supreme in its interconnectedness,
Is stationed, with its symbol and allegories,
In the massive collections of Letter Wheels (yi ge 'khor lo).
The corpus of good deeds (bsod nams)
Maintains the purest wisdom
With the continuity of a river.
The Lord (mgon po), The Grand Master,
Turns the wheel of the stone of transformation.
He uses his tongue's powers to send forth
The turning of the wheel of truth.
There is interconnectedness between prayers
And the magnificent Aware Ones.
They appear in manifest embodiments
Throughout every domain in the world.
Utilizing impermanent things,
They demonstrate a way
To get from birth right up to Nirvana.
They bring everyone that has distorted ideas
Into the fields of those with Great Hearts.
Through the stages of the physical, the verbal, and the psychological,
They bring fulfillment to the lives of living beings.
This is the forth chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, a realistic paradigm for all travelers through reality. It is called "Teaching that the Master of the Harvest has a Physical nature along with his Wisdom." [606]
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, spoke out a strategy on the Mandalas of the corporeal, the vocal, and the psychological so that they should be realized.
The reality of any truth
Is not masculine, nor feminine, nor neuter.
There is something essential
About bringing in the harvest.
Do not talk about the various sorts of Mandalas!
They are made from shapes,
Which pervade all things.
The corpuses of truth and of perfect enjoyment,
Along with their innumerable manifest embodiments
Are dispersed [everywhere],
But are not elaborated upon.
That which is pure is not a potential.
It shows itself to every living being in the three spheres
[of Desire, Form, and Formlessness]
In a physical form that will be suitable
For the purpose of making them submit.
Potentialities cannot be removed from shapes.
The Masters,
Who are not spoken of,
Have the power to make them submit.
They send out all kinds of sounds and words
To control all kinds of conjectures.
I have taught the single transport (theg pa),
The dual transport, the triple transport,
The five transports, and inconceivable others. [607]
This was to prevent the separation of the center
From the periphery.
The purity of the Sonic Mandala
Is the inconceivable way that it spreads out everywhere.
There is something about the supreme Sonic Mandala
That makes the eighty four thousand bounteous worlds
Melt into Sonic Spaciousness.
He said this.
Then the entire Sonic Mandala melted into the spaciousness of truth, and became invisible.
Then he spoke on the Magnificent Mandala of the Heart.
The Mahamudra shines out
From the mudra of reality.
The clan of the real (de bzhin)
The clan of the Stone of Transformation (rdo rje)
And the clan of Precious Things (rin chen)
Blaze in the light of the Mahamudra!
Just like the blazing Udum flowers
That are sometimes found on lonely pathways.
You alone perceive all the Mandalas of Illusion.
For others, there is nothing there at all.
Thus he spoke.
Then all the Mandalas of the Heart were transformed beyond the imagination.
This is the fifth chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, a realistic paradigm for all travelers through reality. It is called "A Non-conceptual Teaching on the Physical, Vocal and Heart Mandalas." [608]
Peace on Earth
In the Language of India:
Vajrasatva Mahaa Aakasha Pushti Nama Yogenii Tantra
In the Tibetan Language:
rDo rJe Sems dPa' Nam mKha' Che rGyas Pa Shes Bya rNal 'Byor Ma'i rGyud
I fold my hands to the One Who Transcends Dominion and Possession, the Glorious Bearer of The Stone of Transformation!
On one occasion I spoke out these words:
He who transcends dominion and possession, the true Master of all those who leave behind dominion and possession and conduct themselves accordingly, whose personal character is physical, vocal, and psychological, and who is Supreme Bliss (bDe ba'i mChog) was, naturally, engaging the Lotus of Great Bliss, his honored wife. He erected a crystal palace from the powerful waves of tremendous happiness, a happiness that comes from working towards happiness, for his honored wife. Its architecture and dimensions were beyond measure.
The entire audience entered [the crystal palace], including:
Vajra Maker of All Vision
Vajra Stability
Vajra Glory of Supreme Rarity [596]
Vajra Endless Life, and
Vajra Accomplishment Free From Demonic Consumption
Their Honored Wives:
Wide Eyes (Yangs pa'i sPyan)
Feminine Stability
She Who Splendors in Jewels
She Whose Life is Unending
She who's Accomplishments Are Free from Demonic Consumption
Furthermore, there were the Enlightened Ones of Strong Mind:
Heart of the Land
He with the Power of Transformation in His Hands
Heart of the Sky
Dominator of the World
Polite Voice
Cleanser of Darkness
Goodness in All Things
And Their Honored Wives:
Flower Garland
Perfume Lady
Sweet Water
The Honored Tylers were:
Killer of the Lord of the Dead
Victory in All Things
He Who Takes the Lotus to the End
He Who Puts the Soup of Life on the Stove (Thab or Thabs?)
Their Honored Wives:
She Who Kills the Lord of the Dead
She Who Wins at Everything
She Who Takes the Lotus to the End
She Who Puts the Soup of Life on the Stove
An audience of those already mentioned, and many others, all came together there, with no disparity between any of them. What is more, they came together just like sesame seeds, filling the whole place.
Their light made the dominions of the world visible. It filled [the world]. It pervaded [the world]. Suddenly it was there, looking like a glowing shimmer. [597]
Then, from the waves of the power of that great happiness, which comes out of working for happiness, there emerged Grand Masters numbering three thousand great thousands. All the dominions of the world were shaken by their might (mThu). Very Shaken. Totally shaken. They were wiped out. Very much wiped out. Totally wiped out. Totally and completely wiped out. They were blasted. Very blasted. Totally blasted. They crackled. Crackled loudly. Crackled all up.
Then the periphery was equalized with the center. All living beings were brought into submission. They also used the power of prayer to bring all the many kinds of physical realities, the many kinds of speech, and the many kinds of psychological realities into submission.
Through physical submission one manifests oneself in the work and deeds of a human being. One is born, studies, does things that are difficult to do, turns the wheel of truth, and so on. There are also methods of submission by which one does the work and deeds of a lion or the work and deeds of an elephant.
Submission through speech is an act of submission in which divine beings use divine language and dragons use dragon language.
Psychological submission is the act of submitting in the shining light of absorption as well as through magical ritual. [598]
This is the First Chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky: The True Character of All Those Who Travel through Reality. It is called "The Topic under Discussion."
Then He Who Leaves behind Dominion and Possession smoothly moved into the absorption of Great Happiness which comes out of working towards happiness. It is called "Generous Royalty." He smiled with his face to those in the audience.
Then all those who had left behind dominion and possession, travelers through reality, addressed, in a single voice, the Master of those who leave behind dominion and possessions, travelers through reality, with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
O Supreme Master of physical, vocal, and psychological realities!
Allow us, through your compassion,
To utilize a physical writing implement
To retain the methodology of your wisdom!
Then the Master of those who have left behind dominion and possession, those who travel through reality, took on the body of Goodness in All Things. All the Travelers through Reality saw him as having three faces and six arms.
Then those Travelers Through Reality, including Maker of All Visions, made a very pure sacrifice, an offering of what is external, what is internal, and what is secret, to Goodness In All Things, The Master of all those who have left behind dominion and possession, who travel throughout reality. [599]
They held their hands together and said these words:
"We request that the Master of all those who have left behind dominion and possessions, those who travel through reality, perform for us the transmission of empowerment into the Secret Mandala, and after that turn the wheel of the truth for that which has no symbol!"
They said this.
The Master of all those who travel reality, who leave behind dominion and possessions, listened to this, and said: "So be it!"
He gave instruction with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
All of you want to request this Tantra,
For it is difficult to understand!
Good! Good! O Great Enlightened Ones!
Good! Good! Listen with respect!
Then all those who travel through reality repeatedly folded their hands, their eyes full with the greatest joy. They addressed him with these words:
Aye Ma Oh!
O Buddha, What a Buddha!
Aye Ma Oh!
The Buddha's announcement is Good!
Aye Ma Oh!
We request that you,
The one who has left behind dominion and possessions,
Explain to us the Supreme Magnificent Enlightenment!
Aye Ma Oh!
We request you,
Most Direct One (gZu bo che),
To explain that supreme secret word that,
When properly applied,
Consolidates a strategy
For bringing about the Great Enlightenment of All Living Beings!
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, [600] gave instructions to all those who travel through reality with these words:
You, The Unsurpassed,
Wish to quickly acquire
The perfect Ati Yoga,
The strategy for bringing about
The enlightenment of living beings.
So listen!
I will give you an explanation.
Then the Master of all those who travel through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, smoothly moved into the absorption that is called "The Bedazzling Stone of Transformation." He positioned the audience in a Secret Mandala. Then he performed the transmission of the empowerment. After that he explained the truth of it, from the very beginning:
Reality itself is the true identity of everything.
Everything has been worked out to make this real.
The strategy is to engender wisdom.
This cannot be seen through perspectives based on differentials.
The true identity of all things
Cannot be seen by anyone whosoever!
Even the Buddha cannot see it!
The wisdom of enlightenment has no visible abode!
This is the real reason it has no true identity!
Nothing brings a harvest of Nothing!
A duality of Something and Nothing does not exist!
This is called "The Inconceivable Center."
The only thing real about a true identity
Is that there is nothing whatsoever to say about it!
Anything that can be an object of sensory perception
Cannot be proven to exist!
The true identity of all things [601]
Has no beginning and no end.
It neither lasts nor does it stop.
It is not plural nor is it single.
It does not come nor does it go.
Speculation is pacified through recognition.
Respected intentions have no substance!
This cannot be perceived by the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind (yid)!
The attitude that one is perceptive is a deception!
True purity cannot be understood!
There are no superior attitudes with regard to Samsara and Nirvana.
When one dwells in the way things really are
Stability and instability are both fine.
When what is taken in and what is saved are clear,
There are no specifics or generalities,
No endings and no beginnings.
The unspeakable is completely inconceivable!
Words that are not written down are the best.
(Yi ge Med pa – This is the Title of key tractate in the Great Sky cycle)
If you give up on words
The delusions of the mind will stop!
This is the second chapter of the Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, the true nature of all those who travel through reality. It is called "Dwelling in Reality,"
Then the Master of travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, considered the previous request that had been presented by the audience. He intentionally spoke out the following intentional statement:
The truth about dwelling in reality
Is that there is no peace
Through acquisition or rejection.
It is difficult to determine,
And difficult to teach. [601]
It stands apart from linguistic conventions.
The physical aspect of the Stone of Transformation
Is not a compound.
The physical aspect of the immutable (gyung drung sku)
Has no birth or death.
It is not compounded in tripartite temporality.
That which is called "This,"
Magnificent and permanent,
The light of all things,
Cannot be taught symbolically.
I myself am incapable of seeing it.
It is not something that can be directly perceived.
It pervades all things.
It is actually a treasure that does not decay.
The true identity of all things
Is none other than their true potential (stong pa nyid).
There is no differential or difference whatsoever
Between Samsara and Nirvana.
There is not even a single thing to distinguish these two.
Things like conglomerates (phung po), domains (khams),
and generative forces (skye mched)
Along with their interdependent origination,
Are nothing but potentialities.
Those who are born into the true reality,
Which is their own potential,
Cannot see it.
The true reality
Is therefore known as "Travelling Through Reality."
It is as if all things move through bliss.
You will not find it by looking anywhere else.
No one who looks for true purity
Will be able to see the purity.
Some of those who are blind
Have a great insight into this.
Those who cannot see Nirvana
Or the position of the Buddha
Instantly achieve genuine enlightenment
Through Lotus Wisdom (Padma'i Ye shes).
The true Master has a single identity
But appears in many different ways.
The Master of distorted designations
Deceives living beings,
As if he was sticking them into a trap.
The transcendence of dominion and possessions
Is a magnificent occurrence.
The minds of those who do not make conceptual designations
Remain clear,
For they leave behind dominion and possessions.
Just as every living being dwells in reality,
Every Buddha is his own true origin.
Living beings bring themselves into life.
This [life] does not come from anything else.
It is on account of their ignorant designations
That all sentient beings,
Beings that [already] have Buddha Hearts (sangs rgyas snying po),
Come to experience all kinds of sorrow,
Both subtle and gross.
The Bhaga,
Which is the domain of what is true
Is the real condition of all sentient beings.
This is the sky.
It pervades everything.
Those who do not see this
Do not see it.
It is a serious error for them to put shadows over it.
It is vast, tremendous, and profound in depth.
It is understood by the wise (she rab can).
That which comes from nowhere, goes nowhere.
It has nothing to do with coming and going.
The heart of pure intent
Will not be found,
No matter where one looks,
No matter how many approaches one takes.
Purity is unshadowed self awareness (rang rig).
There is no origin
To all those material things.
They are not pure;
They are complete fabrications.
There is no difference whatsoever
Between the real domain of truth
And the heart that turns away from it.
Reality is without attachment.
It is not born and does not die.
It cannot be imagined nor conceived of.
It is bliss.
This is the Third Chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, a realistic paradigm for all travelers through reality. It is called "Teachings on the Unchanging Truth."
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, longed, most delightfully, to manifest his own greatness. The Master of both the corporeal and of wisdom proclaimed the following:
Even the Buddha does not see
The reality that pervades all things.
It is not available to direct awareness,
While it pervades all things.
This comprehensive Light
Is not a compound.
It is actually permanent.
It is the corpus of the Stone of Transformation.
This, from amongst all pure embodiments,
Is the supreme body.
The explanation of the truth
Is called "The Corpus of Truth."
This is clearly understood by means of
A grand self-generated wisdom.
The One with the Lotus (Pad ma can) has put together
A series of tactics
Involving an inclusive basis (kun gzhi) as essential elements.
The corpus of actual enlightenment is not conceptual.
How, then, is this perfect corpus put together?
The actualization of perfect enlightenment
Is instantaneously realized
Through the Wisdom of its own potential.
This is the Corpus of Truth.
There is no other.
The Magnificent Mandala of what is real [605]
Becomes evident by virtue of its waves of power.
Attitudes based on conventional intentions
Give birth to tactics that do not prevent apparitions.
The field that is a Mandala for the Stone of Transformation
Has it dawn with the true instructions on Mantra and Mudra.
The Corpus of Enjoyment,
Supreme in its interconnectedness,
Is stationed, with its symbol and allegories,
In the massive collections of Letter Wheels (yi ge 'khor lo).
The corpus of good deeds (bsod nams)
Maintains the purest wisdom
With the continuity of a river.
The Lord (mgon po), The Grand Master,
Turns the wheel of the stone of transformation.
He uses his tongue's powers to send forth
The turning of the wheel of truth.
There is interconnectedness between prayers
And the magnificent Aware Ones.
They appear in manifest embodiments
Throughout every domain in the world.
Utilizing impermanent things,
They demonstrate a way
To get from birth right up to Nirvana.
They bring everyone that has distorted ideas
Into the fields of those with Great Hearts.
Through the stages of the physical, the verbal, and the psychological,
They bring fulfillment to the lives of living beings.
This is the forth chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, a realistic paradigm for all travelers through reality. It is called "Teaching that the Master of the Harvest has a Physical nature along with his Wisdom." [606]
Then the Master of all travelers through reality, those who have left behind dominion and possessions, spoke out a strategy on the Mandalas of the corporeal, the vocal, and the psychological so that they should be realized.
The reality of any truth
Is not masculine, nor feminine, nor neuter.
There is something essential
About bringing in the harvest.
Do not talk about the various sorts of Mandalas!
They are made from shapes,
Which pervade all things.
The corpuses of truth and of perfect enjoyment,
Along with their innumerable manifest embodiments
Are dispersed [everywhere],
But are not elaborated upon.
That which is pure is not a potential.
It shows itself to every living being in the three spheres
[of Desire, Form, and Formlessness]
In a physical form that will be suitable
For the purpose of making them submit.
Potentialities cannot be removed from shapes.
The Masters,
Who are not spoken of,
Have the power to make them submit.
They send out all kinds of sounds and words
To control all kinds of conjectures.
I have taught the single transport (theg pa),
The dual transport, the triple transport,
The five transports, and inconceivable others. [607]
This was to prevent the separation of the center
From the periphery.
The purity of the Sonic Mandala
Is the inconceivable way that it spreads out everywhere.
There is something about the supreme Sonic Mandala
That makes the eighty four thousand bounteous worlds
Melt into Sonic Spaciousness.
He said this.
Then the entire Sonic Mandala melted into the spaciousness of truth, and became invisible.
Then he spoke on the Magnificent Mandala of the Heart.
The Mahamudra shines out
From the mudra of reality.
The clan of the real (de bzhin)
The clan of the Stone of Transformation (rdo rje)
And the clan of Precious Things (rin chen)
Blaze in the light of the Mahamudra!
Just like the blazing Udum flowers
That are sometimes found on lonely pathways.
You alone perceive all the Mandalas of Illusion.
For others, there is nothing there at all.
Thus he spoke.
Then all the Mandalas of the Heart were transformed beyond the imagination.
This is the fifth chapter of The Vast Tantra of the Magnificent Sky, a realistic paradigm for all travelers through reality. It is called "A Non-conceptual Teaching on the Physical, Vocal and Heart Mandalas." [608]
Peace on Earth
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Golfing for Enlightenment
A refreshing view of sports, particularly golf is contained in this short video -
http://ewamchoden.org/golf.html "This movie was part of Timeless Show on ESPN which originally aired on 01/01/2005 ©2005 ESPN-Red Line Films"
The Ven. Lama Kunga, Ngor Thartse Rinpoche, shown golfing is the founder and resident lama of Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center located in the Berkeley area. Rinpoche was born into the Shuku family in Lhasa in 1935, the son of Tsepon Shukupa, the former Financial Minister of the Dalai Lama's government.
At the age of 7, he was recognized as the reincarnation of Sevan Repa, a Heart Disciple of Milarepa, the great 11th century yogi and poet of Tibet. Rinpoche entered monastic life when he was 8 years old and lived in Western Tibet, primarily at Ngor Monastery, in the Sakya tradition. Before he left Tibet in 1959, Rinpoche served as Vice Abbot of Ngor Monastery.
Materials from the Evam Choden site.
-Sherab Wongmo
http://ewamchoden.org/golf.html "This movie was part of Timeless Show on ESPN which originally aired on 01/01/2005 ©2005 ESPN-Red Line Films"
The Ven. Lama Kunga, Ngor Thartse Rinpoche, shown golfing is the founder and resident lama of Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center located in the Berkeley area. Rinpoche was born into the Shuku family in Lhasa in 1935, the son of Tsepon Shukupa, the former Financial Minister of the Dalai Lama's government.
At the age of 7, he was recognized as the reincarnation of Sevan Repa, a Heart Disciple of Milarepa, the great 11th century yogi and poet of Tibet. Rinpoche entered monastic life when he was 8 years old and lived in Western Tibet, primarily at Ngor Monastery, in the Sakya tradition. Before he left Tibet in 1959, Rinpoche served as Vice Abbot of Ngor Monastery.
Materials from the Evam Choden site.
-Sherab Wongmo
Ngor Thartse Rinpoche,
Ven. Lama Kunga
Thursday, October 02, 2008
When will this stop? Can it be stopped? Bailing out the rich?

It will stop when the basic fundiments of America, the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution are truly enacted. American economics evolved under the "Novus Odinarum Secularum" -- That is a new order for worldly matters. Instead of heirophants and tyrants deciding the fates of the people, the people were to be the deciders of their own fate. This was also called "Free Market Enterprise". If you made it, you made it, if you failed you failed. Simple If you unwisely invested in a loosing proposition you lost. That's it.
The system originally worked out without much Insurance. Families held together, communities held together, Congregations held together. The entities of state and governent held together by the will of the people, people helped each other out when time were bad. That is the America I plege my allegiance to.
The false over evaluation of curency based on the cost of insuring losses, insuring fears of legal involvement, insuring against protection from the law of the land, insuring against the high price of drugs. This in a world where the oil money, the drug money, the insurance money, the banks, and even he govenrents of the world are mutually invested to the point that no humans holds the reigns. This must stop, for the safety of mankind and the salvation of mother earth.
The rectification will be achieved only be bring back true value. You get what you pay for. There's no artifical digital money that is used to overprice items beyond the reach of the public, sell them cheaper to those who have Insurance -- let the non-insured loose everything in a world where friendship is a token word -- while the insured can hope for litigation, requirements of documentation, and other bureaucratic bs just to claim what they thought they paid for. The market, as it exists now, is called "The Market".
In ancient times, such as in the time of the Ramayana in India, as culture was formed and codified and documented, it was called "Ravana," the "Ravenous". It eats people, goods, everything. It needs to exist, as trade must be done, but it needs to be controlled. You can read about how Rama delt with Ravana. You can read, in the Lankavatarasutra how the Buddha dealt with Ravana, [much like Christ did as documented in the Bible. -Ed.] Now we have to deal with "The Market".
It is obvious from the past few days editions of the wall street journal that those with money have separated themselves formally from the populace Words like "The bail-out is generally disfavored by informed members of the public, but Congress is fighting hard to get a passing bail out in place." Who's Congress! If the people voted for those representatives, they better aught be voting in the long term interests of their constituents. If they don't, we have no democracy, and at that point it becomes mere mockery to paste the Contitution and Declaration on the walls of our children's schools.
-Chris Wilkinson
Novus Odinarum Secularum,
the Constitution,
the Declaration of Independence
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Dedication of Merit Requested - Memorial Manja Services for Taktser Rinpoche
The Buddhist community is saddened at the loss of Taktser Rinpoche, who died recently. Taktser Rinpoche was His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s elder brother and the husband of H.H. J.D. Sakya’s younger sister, Kuyang-la.
Sakya Monastery of Seattle invited the Tibetan community and Monastery friends and members to attend memorial manja services for Taktser Rinpoche on the following days:
Friday, October 3rd at 8:00PM
A manja will be sponsored by Tsegen-la (sister of H.H.J.D. Sakya)
Sunday, October 5th at 11:00AM after Chenrezi practice
A manja will be sponsored by Sakya Phuntsok Phodrang
Friday, October 24th at 8:00PM.
A manja will be sponsored by Tsegen-la, Chime Sakya Gyatso (sisters of H.H. J.D. Sakya), and her husband Mantho Gyatso.
For those not in the Seattle area, dedication of merit is requested on those days, Friday, October 3rd, 5th, and 24th, 2008 for the swift return of Taktser Rinpoche, and to increase the field of merit for all who live.
Sakya Monastery of Seattle invited the Tibetan community and Monastery friends and members to attend memorial manja services for Taktser Rinpoche on the following days:
Friday, October 3rd at 8:00PM
A manja will be sponsored by Tsegen-la (sister of H.H.J.D. Sakya)
Sunday, October 5th at 11:00AM after Chenrezi practice
A manja will be sponsored by Sakya Phuntsok Phodrang
Friday, October 24th at 8:00PM.
A manja will be sponsored by Tsegen-la, Chime Sakya Gyatso (sisters of H.H. J.D. Sakya), and her husband Mantho Gyatso.
For those not in the Seattle area, dedication of merit is requested on those days, Friday, October 3rd, 5th, and 24th, 2008 for the swift return of Taktser Rinpoche, and to increase the field of merit for all who live.
dedication of merit,
prayer request,
Taktser Rinpoche
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Look, I can ride my bike with no handlebars

but I cannot do nothing
cutting my cat into one
Lemon Yellow SimSun
It ain't Zen
But its all I have
I call your name into thin air
Hit me with a surprise right
jaw don't close right no mo
No mo blacklist book
No mo hot key
No mo red behind slate blue eyes
My ReCallApp is a ReStoreApp
Every time hit
Override love
Feeling emotions spill over 100 trillion suns
Boom! Ah I am the
Snow White Sun of the Suburbs
one of the steel Angels armed to the teeth
eating meat like zombies
Meeting at the Castro
ready for the Halloween sun to go down
rattling chains to the City of Brotherly Love
shooting photos of the simultaneous
Hero of my own faith no mo
don't turn away
look closer urban superman
you can, care, you know what I mean
Photo: Adam is on Flickr
Location: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paperpariah/2450092552/
Creative Commons License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/deed.en
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What is the Core Meaning of the Mantra of Compassion?

Life itself is the jewel in the heart of the lotus.
-Opinion by Sherab Wongmo
Image courtesy: tim buckley | www.bodhiimages.com
Creative Commons License: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bodhi-images/1441500533/
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Things to remember when you are under stress at work or in life

The Buddha told his son Rahula:
Practice loving kindness to overcome anger. Loving kindness has the capacity to bring happiness to others without demanding anything in return.
Practice compassion to overcome cruelty. Compassion has the capacity to remove the suffering of others without expecting anything in return.
Practice sympathetic joy to overcome hatred. Sympathetic joy arises when one rejoices over the happiness (and virtues) of others and wishes others well-being and success.
Practice equanimity to overcome prejudice. Equanimity is the way of looking at all things openly and equally, using reason. This is, because that is. Myself and others are not separate. Do not reject one thing only to chase after another.
I call these the four immeasurables. Practice them and you will become a refreshing source of vitality and happiness for others.
-Reminder from SteveD
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dharma Story from a Friend in Canada

"Trinley Rinpoche came to visit Geshela about a month before his death (which was a bit peculiar because Geshela usually visited him in Seattle.
After our puja we had tea and I asked Rinpoche one of my favourite questions:
"If samsara and nirvana and inseperable, why do we need protectors?"
Trinley Rinpoche replied "Because this IS samsara"
Trinley Rinpoche and Geshela just about fell over, they were laughing so hard.
It doesn't look quite so funny written down, but it was a quitessentially hilarious moment, which causes me to crack up to this day."
Your body is in front of a CPU
Your eyes monitor reality
You think and process and send out
Waiting for the pings to strive
You live in a mass of databases
A holodeck of your own device
You prayed for this, remember
There was the book about fitting memory chips to the brain
To create human computers
That could link to the world's net domain
And we thought the android name
Was not too fit
Enough of it
We are the processors of living DNA
Wrapped around in a sylix
To the core of the material frame
The source of time and knowledge
The well of wisdom's flame
There in the many visions
We transform what none can name
I saw you a long time ago.
And I wrote the code in the sky
To make your dream a reality
Don't ask me why
The questions of King Malinda
And the Nagarjuna Python Agora train
Bound in the halo of starlight
Off on the midnight train
The wheel will spin
And spin again
There by the gate gate pare gate parasamgate
Of the gates of the places we live
by Christopher Wilkinson
Your eyes monitor reality
You think and process and send out
Waiting for the pings to strive
You live in a mass of databases
A holodeck of your own device
You prayed for this, remember
There was the book about fitting memory chips to the brain
To create human computers
That could link to the world's net domain
And we thought the android name
Was not too fit
Enough of it
We are the processors of living DNA
Wrapped around in a sylix
To the core of the material frame
The source of time and knowledge
The well of wisdom's flame
There in the many visions
We transform what none can name
I saw you a long time ago.
And I wrote the code in the sky
To make your dream a reality
Don't ask me why
The questions of King Malinda
And the Nagarjuna Python Agora train
Bound in the halo of starlight
Off on the midnight train
The wheel will spin
And spin again
There by the gate gate pare gate parasamgate
Of the gates of the places we live
by Christopher Wilkinson
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Planet of the Blue Lotus announces the new site http://www.bluelotusplanet.com

Just starting the work is in progress ....
The ancient beauty of Buddhism in the Tibetan culture spilling out into the world shares something important in common with the new science of user centered design – a recursive process leading to the benefit of others. This ongoing photographic exhibit documents a more than 1000 year-old Tibetan Buddhist 'Wong' or formal empowerment into highest yoga tantra religious practice.
Communicating about a vibrant and esoteric religious culture reveals increasingly deep levels of understanding, yet this information becomes easier to approach and understand with design iterations that interact with the viewer. Written and visual information create effective facets by interacting with end users in the planning and ongoing stages – using surveys, tagging-term matching, comments, discussions, structure, interactivity, use trends, pattern-detection, and incorporating changes.
Thank you to my sponsor His Holiness Jigdal Dagchen Sakya.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sky Flower, Why Stand Up for Tibet? Why Peace?

Do you know why His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama calls for peace? He understands cause and effect. When you can recall your last 13 lifetimes it will change your perspective too. That alone would give one a broad view.
The foolish attempt at control continues in Tibet, and it's just painful, in the face of the world's honor of H.H. the Dalai Lama.
You may ask - why don't the Tibetans still in Tibet just leave their ancient homeland, leave their farms and houses, and friends? They can not do so under fear of death. This fall far fewer Tibetans snuck across their southern borders to nations such as Nepal. There is real fear ... and as we now see with the deaths in Lhasa it is justified.
Why don't the Tibetans come here? Why when they do come here posing as non-resident workers at factories why do they 'defect' en masse? The US does not recognize them as refugees, and therefore they can not obtain passports or visas in most cases except illegally, purchasing phony documents in the 3rd world; it is easy but expensive.
China is trying to paint her face like an old lady to appear young, or in this case from brutal ruler to a forward thinking host of the Olympics. It appears the effort has backfired.
From the Tibetans living in Nepal, and foreign business people on my last trip there in Oct-Nov, if you travel just 30 KM outside of the Olympic Games area, you will find extreme poverty exists and is easy to see. One Tibetan refugee, a woman whose husband works as a trader, told me "In the Himalayan borders the soldiers shoot first, never ask questions."
What is less obvious is how China's invasion of Tibet has colored my life for good and bad. 29 years of studying the extraordinary lamas' revered methods, seeing our world through their eyes, a long term patient global view, within a completely universal framework. They love ruthlessly.
But I lucked out because the Chinese invaded Tibet. I benefited because China was power hungry. I am better off because of the highly placed Tibetans who landed here.
Among other things I was warned not to discuss religion - one lama told me that Americans have freedom of religion, but we don't believe in freedom of religion.
Long live HH The Dalai Lama, and anyone else who is a member of his "clique" hen hen he. I am completely in awe of him, I humbly and respectly bow as an American with a million billion visualized unique bodies to him.
How I made this image= a couple of weeks I've been waiting for my software to arrive. So I made this, in stages as I learned another graphics package. Easy when you take an evil mad scientist approach to learning graphics tools. They almost always have something hidden.
Tibetan freedom can not be eradicated, it is not possible.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama,
Tibetan Buddhist
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Goes Great, Washington State Stands Up For Tibet

Yes, it's the event of a lifetime, 5 days with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama as he hangs out with the lighthearted and lively Seeds of Compassion Seattle entrepreneurs, scientists, educators, and spiritual contributors all, who were smart enough and compassionate to receive the Dalai Lama's message with open arms.
Why shouldn't we all recognize when any religion produces a living saint? Who cares what religion it is?
When a profound and peaceful religion is uprooted violently and yet thrives in the greater environment, it is convincing evidence that it is something we need right now. There are reasons why when Tibetan issues come up that we need to pay attention.
Anything which makes HH the Dalai Lama cry is worth our immediate and long term attention to remedy. It takes a lot to shake him. What made this become so serious of a rift on China's side? What can we actually do to fix this - to flip it over? Could we promise the Chinese government that if they make Tibet the Zone of Peace we will all ? What ? ... What do they really want? Can we help the Chinese just speak with His Holiness face to face, meet him? Shake his hand? Certainly the world giving him so many awards must have some effect on someone?
There is not one person who after meeting His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama would have any remaining questions why he is the Dalai Lama.
There is a reason why Lady Bush becomes all puffy eyed and touched when she hangs out with him, or when the obviously tough cored Governor of Washington Chris Gregoire had the same exact misty eyed response. These highly placed women leaders are responding from their hearts.
So those on the outside without looking in, I challenge you to listen to the Seeds of Compassion with His Holiness The Dalai Lama's, Anne Curry's, and Dave Matthews' discussion.
For those who either attended that session or watched it on TV or streaming live over the Internet you will recall His Holiness the Dalai Lama bumping fists with musician Dave Matthews. Right there and then His Holiness was transmitting peace to Dave and teaching him -- Right in front of all.
Dave Matthews is a very bold, talented, risk taking, lucky person, don't you think? Hanging out on a stage with the Dalai Lama and getting public instruction, a direct transmission. Wow, I don't have that kind of spiritual courage - of course - he was in the hands of the world's best.
The Dalai Lama, our Dalai Lama of our age and our place, received so many standing ovations and became so fond and familiar with his audience, well even he didn't want it to go to his head. Still it must have been tremendously comforting and consoling to have so many supporters of all kinds of religious affiliations, and many, many secular groups step forth to stand up for His Holiness, thus the population of the State of Washington is standing up for Tibet.
-Sherab Wongmo
Greenwood, Seattle, Washington
Image Source p2squared on Flickr, Creative Commons License
Jet City,
Lama City,
Space Age,
Sunday, April 13, 2008
How to be of Value:
Stare into a bucket of water until your reflection appears
Then gently pour the reflection out onto the ground
Soon it will evaporate
And become a cloud
Then it will rain
And you will be part of the great cycle of refreshment
and growth
by Michael Leunig
Then gently pour the reflection out onto the ground
Soon it will evaporate
And become a cloud
Then it will rain
And you will be part of the great cycle of refreshment
and growth
by Michael Leunig
gate gate

the story
the carp had a long standing agreement with a turtle
the turtle who holds the world on his back
said, one day after a successful game of chance
craps, maybe, or poker after dinner
with a cigar i digress,
he said
oh Sariputra, the world honored one, says
enlightenment comes many ways
in a flash
like the schriven phoenix
realized simply
stumbled over in the dark even
like an award
if you, my friend fish, he said to the carp
should jump over the gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi soha
you will become a dragon.
after many attempts much focus and pure prayer from the heart
the little fish jumped over the gate gate in the heart sutra
what happened then said all the little boys and girls
and creatures listening
the carp was a carp no more
the carp was a dragon
and you know what else said the turtle
tayata om ...
and that is the end of this story.
-Sherab Wongmo
Photo Rob Ireton, Creative Commons license, http://www.flickr.com/photos/aoisakana/291995799/
gate gate,
heart sutra,
Martyrium of the Obdurate Heretic, sustained by perplexity and paradox
I would very much like it if you would write a book entitled "Sainthood for Dummies"
My friend responded -
I think "dummies" is a little tepid... I like something pointed, like pinhead, blunt, like bonehead, or common, like dumbass, ala Stone Cold Steve Austin and Beavis and Butthead... suggested titles: paradox for pinheads, bhumis for boneheads, diagrams for dumbasses,
I need to study the life of the mahasiddha, Nirgunapa, the Enlightened Moron... searching..
guess I have to buy the book.. but I found this about paramitas, siddhas, bhumis. etc
*10 Bhumis to Buddhahood.
Two sutras which discuss the bhumis: Dasabhumi (Sutra of Ten Bhumis) and Samadhi-nirmochana (Explaining Profound Secrets.)
Chandrakirti, in the Bodhisattva-Avatara Shastra explains:
0. The Foundation: Beings in samsara [the 6 realms] having generated the aspiration to climb the Bodhisattva Bhumis by practicing the 6 paramitas.
Now we proceed through 3 stages on the Path of Accumulation and 3 more stages on the Path of Unification:
1. "The Joyous": Having tasted shunyata [emptiness], we are joyous. Here, the main practice is to perfect the Generosity Paramita. You might be born as a King in the Human Realm and have lots of chances to practice generosity! Now on the Path of Seeing, we can start the Path of Meditation.
2. "The Stainless": At this bhumi, the main practice is the perfection of Shila [discipline of vows] because of which you are free of anxiety and the 3 Poisons [negative tendencies, obscurations]. You might be born as a chakravartin(King bearing the noble marks of an emperor, like Siddartha Gautama Shakya), whose power and enjoyment are challenged by the practice of discipline and precept-keeping.
3. "The Luminous": Here, we try to perfect Patience or equanimity. This is the source of the luminosity. You might be born as Indra, King of gods, who is called Shakra, -- opposer of the Ashuras.
4. "The Radiant": After the 3rd Bhumi, the Nirmanakaya aspect of Buddhahood has been perfected. But there are two more Kayas, therefore, the Paramita to perfect here is that of Exertion. This activity in the service of virtue creates a radiance of wisdom which burns away false conceptions. Here, you might be reborn as Shyama, a deity in the "Continuous Peaceful Realm").
5. "The Unconquerable": Driven by exertion, you perfect
dhyana [meditation] and other skillful means in preparation for the helping of all sentient beings. The word unconquerable refers to both the difficulty of achieving the state of dhyani and the state of the being having now achieved this goal. Now it is possible to be born as a god in the Tushita Heavens where you can observe the Six Realms and the interplay of dharmas.
6. "The Manifest": The intense practice of dhyana and other skills enables you to be reborn as a God-king who can manifest miraculous activity. The Paramita of Prajna is to be perfected.
7. "The Gone-Afar": Having perfected the Six Paramitas, we now possess both wisdom and skill. This is a plateau below which you will not fall, but there is still room for effort.
In the 10 Paramita system, the perfection is that of Skillful Means needed to overcome Mara who provides opportunities for others to act in opposition.
It is said that once the 7th Bhumi is attained, the Buddhas prophesy concerning your achieving Buddhahood, and will indicate your Buddha-Name and circumstances.
In a former life, Lord Shakyamuni received this prophecy after having presented 4 golden flowers to the Buddha of that aeon .
8. "The Immovable": At the Eighth Bhumi, you can enter Nirvana at the snap of a finger; so Tathagatas come and click you out of it, reminding you of your aspiration and the work still ahead. But they cannot force you to remain, therefore the virtue is that of firmness of Aspiration.
You might be reborn as Brahma, Lord of the Universe.
9. "The Good-Wisdom": Almost ready for Buddhabood, you practice the acquisition of the Ten Powers and Six Supernatural Powers. You might also be reborn as Brahma.
10. "The Dharma-Cloud": All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas rejoice in your elation at having attained Buddhahood completely. Primordial awareness [dhyani/jnana] clears away whatever subtle defilements and tendencies might still be retained. You, like Lord Maitreya in the Tushita Heavens, await your turn. This is also the beginning of the Path of Non-Meditation.
- Show quoted text -
On May 22, 2007, at 12:51 PM, I wrote:
Ambiguity for Dummies
preparatory reading for the less advanced classical education reference -
"Sainthood for Dummies"
-Sherab Wongmo
My friend responded -
I think "dummies" is a little tepid... I like something pointed, like pinhead, blunt, like bonehead, or common, like dumbass, ala Stone Cold Steve Austin and Beavis and Butthead... suggested titles: paradox for pinheads, bhumis for boneheads, diagrams for dumbasses,
I need to study the life of the mahasiddha, Nirgunapa, the Enlightened Moron... searching..
guess I have to buy the book.. but I found this about paramitas, siddhas, bhumis. etc
*10 Bhumis to Buddhahood.
Two sutras which discuss the bhumis: Dasabhumi (Sutra of Ten Bhumis) and Samadhi-nirmochana (Explaining Profound Secrets.)
Chandrakirti, in the Bodhisattva-Avatara Shastra explains:
0. The Foundation: Beings in samsara [the 6 realms] having generated the aspiration to climb the Bodhisattva Bhumis by practicing the 6 paramitas.
Now we proceed through 3 stages on the Path of Accumulation and 3 more stages on the Path of Unification:
1. "The Joyous": Having tasted shunyata [emptiness], we are joyous. Here, the main practice is to perfect the Generosity Paramita. You might be born as a King in the Human Realm and have lots of chances to practice generosity! Now on the Path of Seeing, we can start the Path of Meditation.
2. "The Stainless": At this bhumi, the main practice is the perfection of Shila [discipline of vows] because of which you are free of anxiety and the 3 Poisons [negative tendencies, obscurations]. You might be born as a chakravartin(King bearing the noble marks of an emperor, like Siddartha Gautama Shakya), whose power and enjoyment are challenged by the practice of discipline and precept-keeping.
3. "The Luminous": Here, we try to perfect Patience or equanimity. This is the source of the luminosity. You might be born as Indra, King of gods, who is called Shakra, -- opposer of the Ashuras.
4. "The Radiant": After the 3rd Bhumi, the Nirmanakaya aspect of Buddhahood has been perfected. But there are two more Kayas, therefore, the Paramita to perfect here is that of Exertion. This activity in the service of virtue creates a radiance of wisdom which burns away false conceptions. Here, you might be reborn as Shyama, a deity in the "Continuous Peaceful Realm").
5. "The Unconquerable": Driven by exertion, you perfect
dhyana [meditation] and other skillful means in preparation for the helping of all sentient beings. The word unconquerable refers to both the difficulty of achieving the state of dhyani and the state of the being having now achieved this goal. Now it is possible to be born as a god in the Tushita Heavens where you can observe the Six Realms and the interplay of dharmas.
6. "The Manifest": The intense practice of dhyana and other skills enables you to be reborn as a God-king who can manifest miraculous activity. The Paramita of Prajna is to be perfected.
7. "The Gone-Afar": Having perfected the Six Paramitas, we now possess both wisdom and skill. This is a plateau below which you will not fall, but there is still room for effort.
In the 10 Paramita system, the perfection is that of Skillful Means needed to overcome Mara who provides opportunities for others to act in opposition.
It is said that once the 7th Bhumi is attained, the Buddhas prophesy concerning your achieving Buddhahood, and will indicate your Buddha-Name and circumstances.
In a former life, Lord Shakyamuni received this prophecy after having presented 4 golden flowers to the Buddha of that aeon .
8. "The Immovable": At the Eighth Bhumi, you can enter Nirvana at the snap of a finger; so Tathagatas come and click you out of it, reminding you of your aspiration and the work still ahead. But they cannot force you to remain, therefore the virtue is that of firmness of Aspiration.
You might be reborn as Brahma, Lord of the Universe.
9. "The Good-Wisdom": Almost ready for Buddhabood, you practice the acquisition of the Ten Powers and Six Supernatural Powers. You might also be reborn as Brahma.
10. "The Dharma-Cloud": All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas rejoice in your elation at having attained Buddhahood completely. Primordial awareness [dhyani/jnana] clears away whatever subtle defilements and tendencies might still be retained. You, like Lord Maitreya in the Tushita Heavens, await your turn. This is also the beginning of the Path of Non-Meditation.
- Show quoted text -
On May 22, 2007, at 12:51 PM, I wrote:
Ambiguity for Dummies
preparatory reading for the less advanced classical education reference -
"Sainthood for Dummies"
-Sherab Wongmo
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